Bottled water is hazardous to you and your world.
(NaturalNews) Bottled water is the fastest growing segment of the beverage industry with annual sales exceeding $11 billion. Bottled water companies have used slick marketing to convince the public that their water is cleaner and healthier to drink. Unfortunately, bottled water is not only hazardous to our health, but it is also equally disastrous to the environment.
Are BPA alternatives potentially just as dangerous as Bisphenol-A?
(NaturalNews) The Atlantic recently posed the obvious but, as yet, unasked question: What is in the new BPA-free plastics that are now flooding the market, and how do we know they are safe?
Plastics chemical in packaged foods linked to asthma in babies
(NaturalNews) BPA, also known as bisphenol-A, is a chemical compound often used in the production of a large variety of plastics. The widespread use of BPA has come under public scrutiny due to known connection to a host of health problems, including heart complications, cancer, neurological issues, diabetes and fertility and sexual issues.
Hitting the bottle
SUDDENLY, there’s a baby boom going on around me. I’m making weekly shopping trips to stock friends’ nurseries, and I’m struck by how many signs on the shelves advertise BPA-free bottles, BPA-free sippy cups. It breaks my heart. Manufacturers might be removing BPA, a chemical used to harden certain plastics, from their products, but they are substituting chemicals that may be just as dangerous, if not more so.
Listen to More FM’s Si & Gary talk to Gary Collins about SafeBottles
A Winton man wants to know why Coca-Cola kept a dodgy batch of bottled water on the shelves for a month, when it was making people sick, he says.
Ben Fitzgibbon was diagnosed with pneumonia soon after drinking the water, but the probable cause remained a mystery until this week. He complained to Coca-Cola on January 10 after buying a lime-flavoured Pump in Winton.
(NaturalNews) People in the United States are probably exposed to levels of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) at levels far higher than previously believed, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Missouri and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
(NaturalNews) Results from a five-year trial on the effects of bisphenol-A (BPA) in human males has revealed that the popular plastics chemical destroys sperm. One of the few BPA studies involving humans, the trial sheds more light on the obvious harm BPA causes on male reproduction, and the need to immediately remove the chemical from from all products.
The Story of Bottled Water, releasing March 22, 2010 on, employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap.
(NaturalNews) Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogen-mimicking substance that has been linked to a number of crippling health conditions. It has been tied to obesity and fertility problems, and numerous studies have found that it may devastate human health in other ways. Canada has taken a large step in the fight against BPA. Even in the face of industry opposition, Canada has declared BPA to be a toxic substance.
October 13, 2010: Canada first to declare bisphenol A toxic
From Thursday’s Globe and Mail
Critics want ban on BPA in baby bottles extended to all food, beverage containers
Canada has become the first jurisdiction in the world to declare the everyday plastic-making compound bisphenol A to be toxic, an action that, while hailed by environmentalists, is shining a spotlight on the major use of the chemical in nearly all food and beverage cans sold in the country.
(NaturalNews) Much of the concern surrounding plastic products these days is centered around bisphenol-A (BPA), a plastics chemical that numerous studies have found disrupts proper hormonal function and interferes with proper sexual development, among other things. But phthalates, another type of plastics chemical, are also highly dangerous, and are found in all sorts of consumer products that contain plastic and rubber components.
Seven leading scientists have sent a letter to the United Kingdom’s Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, urging him to ban the use of the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) in products intended for use in feeding infants.
An increasing number of states are considering banning bisphenol-A (BPA) from food and drink containers in response to growing concerns that the chemical causes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. Despite disregard by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about its potential dangers, states like Connecticut and Massachusetts have passed legislation outlawing the chemical from being used in food and drink containers.
The controversial chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), already linked to a wide array of health problems, may also increase the risk of asthma in children, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives
(NaturalNews) The controversial chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), already linked to a wide array of health problems, may also increase the risk of asthma in children, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
The world’s biggest rubbish dump keeps growing. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – or the Pacific Trash Vortex – is a floating monument to our culture of waste, the final resting place of every forgotten carrier bag, every discarded bottle and every piece of packaging blown away in the wind. Opinions about the exact size of this great, soupy mix vary, but some claim it has doubled over the past decade, making it now six times the size of the UK.
Heather Lewis was wracked with guilt when she realized she was addicted to the bottle. Bottled water, that is.
At her worst, she said she went through five plastic bottles of water a day nearly every day for two years.
“It was appalling,” said Lewis, an architect from Louisville, Colo. “I felt like Aquafina’s trained monkey.”
But one day in January, as she gazed at the piles of plastic in her recycling bin, she decided to quit. “It was a cumulative sense of responsibility that made me do it,” Lewis said
Lewis is part of a bigger backlash against bottled water happening across the nation, and after decades of growth, the $11 billion industry is stuttering.
After many years of insisting that Bisphenol-A (BPA) is safe, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shifted its stance on the endocrine-disrupting chemical, citing that BPA exposure is of “slight concern.” A growing body of scientific evidence, however, has shown that BPA is very dangerous to human health, making it hard for the governmental agency to ignore much longer. Despite this compelling evidence, the FDA “has missed three self-imposed deadlines to re-evaluate its approval of the chemical, after originally promising in June 2009 to deliver a finding in “weeks not months.” Read on to learn more about this risky chemical, where it’s found, and what you can to do limit your exposure to it.
Baby bottles, water bottles and other hard plastic containers with the recycling number 7 printed on them don’t appear to be as safe as the US Food & Drug Administration initially said, reports ABC News.
OTTAWA – Health Canada scientists have found bisphenol A leaching into the liquid of plastic baby bottles marketed to parents as being free of the toxic chemical.
The study says “traces” of the toxin were found in “BPA-free” bottles while internal correspondence between a department official and the lead scientist went further, characterizing the amounts in two brands as “high readings.”
(NaturalNews) Earlier this year, research linked bisphenol A (BPA), a common component of plastics and a powerful hormone disruptor, to heart disease. Now, in the March issue of the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, researchers have reported yet another newly discovered danger posed by BPA. Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale University, and his research team have found for the first time that BPA exposure during pregnancy can cause abnormalities in the uterus of offspring and permanent alterations in DNA.
A Potentially deadly toxin is being absorbed into bottled mineral water from their plastic containers. And the longer the water is stored, the levels of poison increase, research reveals. As the sell-by date on many bottled waters is up to two years, scientists have now called for extensive further studies.
Imagine every person on earth had 100 pounds of plastic. That’s how much new plastic will be manufactured in 2010. Sadly, much of that will end up in the ocean within a massive area dubbed the Pacific Garbage Patch. Can anything be done to clean it up?
Trash Found in Fish. The ocean is filled with refuse that may be getting into our food.
After a professor with the Harvard School of Public Health warned her students of the dangers of drinking too much water from hard plastic bottles because of exposure to a potentially dangerous chemical called bisphenol A or BPA, a research project was sparked to verify the concerns. BPA, a synthetic sex hormone that mimics estrogen and is used to make hard plastic can be found in hundreds of everyday products, such as plastic bottles, canned soup and infant formula. Concentrations of the chemical have been linked to an increased presence of diabetes, heart disease and liver toxicity. We now have confirmation that the liquid filling these plastic bottles absorbs enough of the chemical to register significant levels in the urine of those who drink the liquid.
Despite numerous published studies by government scientists and university laboratories that raised health concerns about bisphenol A (BPA) exposure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to act to tighten safety standards. The agency declared the chemical safe even after a 2008 toxicology report from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said there was cause for “some concern” for BPA’s potential effects on the brain, behavior and prostate in developing fetuses, infants and children. But on Friday, the FDA shifted their long-held stance, saying it now supports the toxicology assessment of BPA and feels the issue merits further study—stopping short of calling for restrictions on its use.
Brita wants you to stop using water bottles and instead use their water filters to clean their water. While you can ask yourself what use the water filters will do, when the majority of the developed countries have an excellent quality on their water, the advertising campaign highlights one of the most pointless waste products in our society today.
Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used to make hard, clear polycarbonate plastic, is once again under government scrutiny. BPA is a man-made plastic component found in many hard plastics and in softer polyvinyl chloride products. It is in toys, baby bottles, vinyl goods, and many other products that the American consumer uses everyday. Studies report that the amount of BPA that leaches depends more on the temperature of the contents and the container itself than on other factors. The results of this re-examination could result in the recommendation that BPA no longer be used in manufacturing of products for human usage.
Fate can take strange forms, and so perhaps it does not seem unusual that Captain Charles Moore found his life’s purpose in a nightmare. Unfortunately, he was awake at the time, and 1300 kilometers north of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.,7120,s6-242-302–12843-0,00.html#
They’re in our cars and gym bags. But due to recent warnings, many runners are wondering if our plastic water bottles belong in the recycling bin. Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical in polycarbonate bottles, has been linked to cancer, reproductive issues, and endocrine damage in animals. And while research is needed to determine whether BPA is dangerous to humans, animals given low doses of BPA—an amount equivalent to what people are presumed to ingest—have experienced health problems, says Scott Belcher, Ph.D., a runner and cell biologist at the University of Cincinnati. The FDA says polycarbonate bottles are safe, and a panel from the National Institutes of Health concluded that there is only “negligible concern” regarding BPA’s effects on adults. Still, many people (including Belcher) prefer to avoid BPA. And the industry has responded: Nalgene has stopped making their bottles with BPA; Patagonia has pulled polycarbonate bottles from store shelves. Because runners can’t stop drinking on the go, we asked some experts to weigh in on the plastic bottles available.
Most bottled water comes in polyethylene terephthalate bottles, indicated by a number 1, PET or PETE on the bottle’s bottom. (No, it’s not the same phthalate mentioned earlier.) The bottles are generally safe, says Ken Smith, PhD, immediate past chair of the American Chemical Society’s division of environmental chemistry. But scientists say when stored in hot or warm temperatures, the plastic may leach chemicals into the water.
Last year Americans spent nearly $11 billion on over 8 billion gallons of bottled water, and then tossed over 22 billion empty plastic bottles in the trash. In bottle production alone, the more than 70 million bottles of water consumed each day in the U.S. drain 1.5 million barrels of oil over the course of one year.
It’s a hot summer day, and you’re enjoying a nice, cool bottle of water. As you walk through your local park, you reach out and throw your empty bottle into the trash can. So, what are the repercussions of these actions?
Scientists have demonstrated for the first time that polycarbonate containers release the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) into liquid stored in them. BPA has been shown to interfere with reproductive development in animals and has been linked with cardiovascular disease and diabetes in humans. New research by Harvard School of Public Health found that participants who drank for a week from polycarbonate bottles showed a two-thirds increase of BPA in their urine.
Water, water everywhere and we are duped into buying it bottled.
Consumers spend a collective $100 billion every year on bottled water in the belief–often mistaken, as it happens–that this is better for us than what flows from our taps, according to environmental think tank the Earth Policy Institute (EPI).
For a fraction of that sum, everyone on the planet could have safe drinking water and proper sanitation, the Washington, D.C.-based organization said this week.
Members of the United Nations have agreed to halve the proportion of people who lack reliable and lasting access to safe drinking water by the year 2015. To meet this goal, they would have to double the $15 billion spent every year on water supply and sanitation.
As bottled water sales declined for the first time in twenty years, the bottled water industry accelerated its marketing efforts to “bluewash” bottled water, reveals a new report released today by the consumer advocacy organization Food & Water Watch. Bluewashing: Why the Bottled Water Industry’s EcoFriendly Claims Don’t Hold Water highlights the ways in which bottled water companies try to market their products as environmentally responsible, while they actually damage the environment.
San Franciscans and other Bay Area residents enjoy some of the nation’s highest quality drinking water, with pristine Sierra snowmelt from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir as our primary source. Every year, our water is tested more than 100,000 times to ensure that it meets or exceeds every standard for safe drinking water. And yet we still buy bottled water. Why?
Maybe it’s because we think bottled water is cleaner and somehow better, but that’s not true. The federal standards for tap water are higher than those for bottled water.
A reader asks, “Should I stop using plastic water bottles?” The short answer is no. You don’t need to round up your plastic water bottles and banish them to the recycling bin. But reducing their use – drastically, if possible – is a smart idea for your wallet, the environment and your health.